According to the Hollywood Reporter Colbert and Daily Show will be back on the air January 7th.
Here in the UK we have an extraordinary situation: we seemingly have more students at university studying photography at degree level than we have actual working photographers. And at a time when commercial photography is drying up, we have created a conveyor belt system for churning out a stream of supposed "graduates" who have not been exposed to any of the realities of the commerical world and whose work has never been exposed to any really rigorous criticism.
She’s Copying Me!
We’ve all heard the story of the freaky roommate who starts dressing like you, talking like you, tries to muscle in on your friends and generally freaks you out.
Kristi Bogel had that experience on Flickr.
Each time she posted a new photo, someone she knew would post an image that looked almost exactly the same.
After the fourth time her photos sparked something that was more like imitation than inspiration, she asked other Flickr members what she could do. Responses ranged from nothing through Report Abuse to “put up pictures of her boyfriend and her house.”
It could just have been a bit of a teenage tiff, but definitely not the sort of person you want to rent an apartment with.
Who doesn't love pizza and beer? Throw in some arcade action and a state-of-the-art cinema and you've got a recipe for some serious family fun.
In this episode, Yvonne Smith, the Traveling Vegetarian, brings us inside Asheville, NC's most entertaining veggie-friendly restaurant, Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company. They feature 24 vegetarian pizza toppings including soy cheese and tofu, and have a wide variety of gourmet sandwiches and munchies you won't want to miss.