Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New guerrilla marketing campaign idea

A buddy of mine posted pictures on Facebook recently of Westburo Baptist Church (the single-family church from Kansas that protests soldier's funerals) protesting something in Charleston, and that's what made me revist an idea I had last week, when a similar family was holding up offensive signs on a street corner in Murray.

When I drove by these people holding signs last Sunday I mistakenly read one as "God hates fangs", a saying from True Blood. Once I realized my mistake I thought "Wouldn't it be cool if someone made a God Hates Fangs sign and went out there and stood with them?"
And that's the basis of the idea. In True Blood there is the "Fellowship of the Sun", an anti-vampire church. Since season 3 starts soon, my idea is to have HBO print up a bunch of FotS placards, send them to town ahead of WBC, and have a bunch of True Blood fans drown out the disrespectful asshats. Season 3 gets promoted and HBO is seen as providing a civil service. Win-win.