Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Check all boxes that apply to you...

So I was reading NYTimes.com and came across this story about Jose Padilla finally being sentenced. That's all well and good, but a funny fact popped up in the story...

The government’s main evidence against Mr. Padilla, a former Chicago gang member with a lengthy criminal record, was an application form that prosecutors said he had filled out to attend an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan in 2000. Defense lawyers argued that Mr. Padilla had traveled to the Middle East to study Islam and Arabic, not to participate in a violent Islamic jihad.

Wait.... so you're telling me you have to fill out an application to go to an al Qaeda training camp? And this guy put his real name?
Really? Super-secret terrorist group uses applications?
What are the questions on it?
"List all ethnicities/infidels you wish dead"?
"Complete this statement: Death to the ________!"?
The sheer stupidity of the very idea of the application makes me laugh.

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