Friday, September 24, 2010

Settling in.

It’s the first day of our third week in Ireland, and we have settled in as much as we can. Everything we need is either here now or on order (internet gets hooked up Monday, my mobile sometime next week too) and Tuesday we both start classes. We both have class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, meaning we both have four day weekends. We’ve already started planning trips out of the city. We get pretty good deals on bus tickets with the “Student Travel Card”, and con go pretty much anywhere in the country in an afternoon.
Meg is at a Rotary function at a four star hotel this weekend, so I have the apartment to myself. The more I re-arrange and find places for things the more I realize how big it is. We still have some things to buy (like a wifi router, a slow cooker, and a mixing bowl) but those are not too big of deals, the problem is finding them cheap. I might have to start looking on amazon if I can’t find a router or slow cooker in any of the stores here.
Also, I should have the first (and maybe second) videos up sometime Monday afternoon, once we get the internet hooked up. Starbucks (where we are getting internet currently) has a very slow upload link, and it will take around 6 hours to upload a 4 minute video.

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