It's Monday night, and I have just scheduled my first job interview of 2009.
Of course you wont be reading this before Thursday afternoon, and there is a reason for that, but I don't want to spoil the ending.
The job is a year long contract with the Paducah Area Red Cross, paid through Americorps. From what I can tell it's a position designed to set up and streamline their disaster plans. As far as I can tell. The official job description is a bit lacking in specifics, and when I talked to the head of the search committee she seemed to redirect my questions into a catch-all “you'll find out in your training in Louisville” answer.
It seems to be a noble pursuit, as I found out first hand during the January ice storm. Some counties, and I know of Lyon county from first hand experience, had neither updated their disaster plan for many years, run any sort of drills, or in fact had a competent disaster manager.
The job also pays only$ 950 a month, and even if you include the free health and dental still comes out to about $6.5/hour for a 40 hour work week.
Gas, if it stays at todays price, will rack me up $275 a month. That, with my current budget, will mean I will lose around $20 a month. I'm already living on a tight budget, and for my next job I would like to start making some money.
So, even if they offer it to me, I'm not taking this job.
It seems like a fun job, but it just does not work out. So I'm continuing to apply for other positions, and as you read this two more are working their way through the postal system.
And I, while you are reading this, am sitting on a beach on Kentucky lake, with a cooler full of drinks, waiting for my friends to show up and grill out. My time here may be coming to an end, and I may not know where I will be going after this, but right now this is what I need.